
Emarosa focusing on their new EP "131 Reimagined"

Post Author: Christie McMenamin

Emarosa focusing on their new EP “131 Reimagined“. Christie McMenamin sits inside Big Picture Media’s Office to have a general conversation with the bandmates.

CM: First off, the EP; you reworked four songs from 131. Why those particular songs?

Emarosa: We just picked as we went. We had some ideas for where we wanted to start, and just kind of rounded it out as we went. I think those songs, we got to show a different side of them to hopefully find a new audience for the same song.
Different member: I think we had a vibe in mind, and we just kind of rounded out a list that fit that vibe.

CM: This morning I was listening to your music, and I watched both videos for Blue, both the new one and the original.  If you compare and contrast them, they’re both really interesting. The first one, the original, is you [Bradley Walden] singing in a room, four walls, and it’s all black, and the music is more aggressive.

You contrast that with the new video, which I think is breathtaking; you’re [Bradley Walden] in your clothes, soaking wet, staring out on the beach, and it’s like that aggression finally gave way to pathos.
I read a quote from you [Bradley Walden] and it was something along the lines of  ‘breathing life into old wounds’ and you see it in the videos; you kind of have that idea of rebirth going, especially in “Blue.”

Emarosa [Bradley]: It’s very much letting the song have its day. With “Blue,” the original is so aggressive, but the content of the song is not. It’s very sombre, so I wanted a video that let that breathe. It’s very open; it’s almost like a visual accompaniment.

CM: Personally, I like the newest version more

Emarosa/Bradley: Yes, I agree

CM: What I also like is that you guys are different. I like a lot of the bands in this scene, but the problem is that you can so easily get into a ‘box,’ so to speak. I mean, I predict the breakdown, and where the song is going—and you guys were able to take that and move forward. And for me, as a listener, I really felt that you guys have a lot of depth going on, and that really makes you stand out.

Emarosa [Bradley]: Yeah, they’ve had a lot of growth. I think the Emarosa vibe accompanied with my more pop structure mentality helps it all come together and eventually move past what everyone else is doing. You just grow up, and things change.

 CM: Well, that’s important: evolution. I don’t always see the bands in this scene evolving, and I think if you want longevity, that’s kind of what you have to do.

Emarosa: In a way. It’s tough because it’s always a fine balance. Pop-punk has always been the same, and pop-punk just had a number 1 Billboard hit. But then at the same time, if you have bands that are evolving and changing, and they grow, and people just don’t grow with them. Some people want that same breakdown on a record over and over. So you never know, you just have to be honest with yourself as an artist, like you have to do what you want and not make it for the sake of that. Like Matt said, there’s a fine line.

CM: For me, I don’t want to hear the same thing.

Emarosa: I agree

CM: So this is kind of cool; I read Aaron Marsh [from Copeland] produced the EP? I’m a big Copeland fan, and genre-wise, you guys are very different. But maybe that was exactly what was needed.

Emarosa: Yeah, when we were thinking of producers to do this kind of sound, we knew Aaron’s background and we thought that would be almost as a tool we could use to explore. We knew he was very influential on their [Copeland’s] sound and their whole writing process, so we approached him because we knew what he’s done and thought he could really help us to show this other side that we haven’t really found anyone else to take on.

CM: What I love about Copeland is that they’re able to be in this scene, but they’ve still carved a space out for themselves despite the general sound or genre difference

Emarosa: Yeah, and it’s lasting

CM: And that kind of goes back to what you guys seem to be doing, which is really hard. How do you guys deal with that—just do your own thing and push through anyway?

Emarosa {Bradley?] Yeah, I’m too old for that shit. I just want to do my own thing and follow what we’re passionate about and not hone in on pointless things like that [doing what other people want you to]

Cm: And you don’t want to get to a place in which you become resentful of music itself. Do you ever feel like that at all? Initially, you guys were a very different band; you then changed directions, as we’ve been saying, but what about you [Bradley]? What was it like when you came into the band? You wanted to put yourself into the record, I’m assuming?

Emarosa [Bradley Walden]: It was terrible when I first came into the band. The fanbase was very skeptical, and then we made this record that pretty much represented what we thought we were supposed to make, or maybe even what I thought that fans wanted, because I remember pushing for the same producer and saying ‘we need this, we need this,’ and at the time, I thought it was the right move to make, and it very much wasn’t.  I ended up really hating that record because it didn’t represent anything I believe in.

But over time, playing shows and figuring out where my place was in the band, I think it helped. And then we made 131, and I was much more happy with it and very much proud of it. But coming into this was such a nightmare.

CM: Well, there’s pressure, especially when you’re established

Emarosa [Bardley Walden]: Of course. And to have such an infamous previous lead singer, it’s been a nightmare trying to get all of the mud off of this band’s name. And I feel like we’re there.

CM: How have the fans responded to this record versus the other ones?

Emarosa: Great. I mean, you always want more and more, but I’m very thankful that this record put us where we are now.

CM: So how’s the tour been going? You just started, right?

Emarosa: Yes. It’s only day three, or day four, technically. So we’ve played three shows, but it’s kind of like a train. It starts off, and by the end, you’re going pretty fast.

CM: You must be exhausted by the end of it

Emarosa: Typically by the end, you get pretty tired, you’re ready to be home and sleep in your own bed. I think every person does that.

CM: In terms of friends and family, how do they deal with you guys constantly touring?

Emarosa: Some bands are able to bring their families like I know Eisley brings their kids, but we’ve been doing this for so long that they know the drill. It’s like you signed up for it; we’ve been touring a lot prior to this band or earlier workings of this band, so it’s something that everyone is used to. It definitely gets harder the older that you get, especially with relationships, but if it’s something you’re passionate about, you make it work.


CM: Is there anything you guys say or want to talk about?

Emarosa: Check out, come see us on our fall headlining tour and check out 131 Reimagined.