Headed to the SXSW Conference this week? Maybe you live in Austin, and weren’t even planning on attending?
Well, you are going to want to pencil the Create & Cultivate event into your planner. Actually, not just pencil. It needs to be written in the most permanent marker you can find, and somewhere you can see it (like, across your fridge for example). Why? Because this is a star-studded event, and it’s FREE.
That’s right, you do NOT need a festival badge or to gather all the change in your car to pay for the biggest event of the year.
Join us ALL DAY on Sunday, March 12th at Create & Cultivate!
What is Create & Cultivate? It was founded in 2012 by Jaclyn Johnson, and is an online platform and offline national conference series for female entrepreneurs looking to create and cultivate the career of their dreams.
You are NOT going to want to miss this party. It is a full day of programming with panels, pop ups, fireside chats, and more! What we find PRETTY intriguing on the ticket? The fact that premier sponsors include Hormel Foods and Wholly Guacamole, HORMEL GATHERINGS, and more! So, not only are hand-picked powerhouse females speaking and chatting with you (Kristen Bell is on the ticket!), but you won’t go hungry with tasties like a build-your-own-guac bar and personal charcuterie boards piled with meats, cheeses and snacks (PILED. HIGH)!
The only catch? This sucker starts at 9am, and it WILL fill up quickly, so make sure you come early!!
Want to find out more? Visit: http://www.createcultivate.com/sxsw