
Presenting the Jon Staav & Daniel Busheikin video for Grounders’ fresh new single “Bringin’ It In” featured off their forthcoming album. The Toronto bunch of Andrew Davis, Daniel Busheikin, Mike Searle & Evan Lewis ready the follow-up to their 2015 debut by bringing the big bouncing & jagged rhythms with a whole lot of sunglass shaded cool vocals. Arranging guitar structures in swarms of suites where the growling rhythms burn, turn & churn like a raging car engine; Grounders take the audience for a ride that flies low to the ground like hot rods & funny cars acting wild on the strip in an action/adventure odyssey like you have never witnessed before.
Featuring directed by Jon Staav with Grounders & edited by Daniel Busheikin; “Bringin’ It In” smokes stogies, chomps on pizza, plays poker & gets out of control with coffee obsessions that go from cracked egg blends, bean spills with both whole beans & coffee consumed en masse. Things get even more insane when the band dressed up in industry jump suits roam about a Toronto abandoned car seat factory in search of the mythical Griz. An ultra caffeinated & frantic group of Grounders get wild amid the factory searching every nook & cranny as the tour van look out watches out. From literal backstabbing, briefcase theft, self-serving intentions to an all out wild goose chase; “Bringing It In” is Grounders’ intense music video short that is an ode to the classic action film where the momentum & drama is executed in time to nerve grinding turbines comprised of ultra-amplified electrics.
Grounders described a behind-the-scenes view of the visuals for “Bringing It In” via the following thoughts:
The video was shot in our garage/rehearsal space/makeshift studio, on the streets of Toronto, and in an abandoned factory that once manufactured car seats. The concept for this video started with making coffee, which is something we enjoy doing. Naturally, that derailed and mutated into a Sopranos-esque heist carried out by a club of java maniacs who will stop at NOTHING to get some Griz. We’re not really sure what Griz is, but we’ve had a box of it in our van for a couple years. It has a portrait of a young boy on the front. Pretty cute!
Grounders’ new album will be available TBD via Nevado Music.