On Monday, October 1, the variety and comedy show known as Hot Tub ended its run at Littlefield in Brooklyn, NY. Since 2010, the show featured comedians and other performers on a weekly basis, hosted by comedians Kurt Braunohler and Kristin Schaal. On July 31, Kristen Schaal hosted her last show prior to moving to Los Angeles. Less than four months later, Hot Tub's other host, ended the series in New York since he is also moving to LA.
The final, sold out show featured comedians Nick Turner, Chris Hauselt, Pat Shepherd, James Adomian and Eugene Mirman. Kurt officially retired jokes that will only work in New York City and downed shots of bourbon with the performers on stage before they read jokes he created. The final Hot Tub at Littlefield set was by variety performer Marcus Monroe in which he juggled pins and knives plus rode a seven foot unicycle through the audience. The evening ended with a class photo with all of the performers and everyone in the audience.