
Melt Banana and DD/MM/YYYY in Buffalo

Post Author: , Jessica Martello

There’s been a lot of talk of face melting on this site lately, but we should’ve been talking about melting bananas.

Tokyo’s Melt Banana has a relentless approach to making music. Similar in style to Slasher Risk, they destroy all sonic barriers with a rudimentary hardcore that is then layered upon with as much noise as they can possibly create. Their weapons of choice include a digital Theramin and some other bit-shifting noise makers in addition to the usual four-piece rock accessories. I must admit, there’s something incredibly sexy about girls who front hardcore bands, but don’t fret, by the end of the show faces were melted.

Meanwhile, our own DD/MM/YYYY provided the support on this night. The quick hour-long jaunt from their home town of Toronto was well worth the trip to open up for one of their favorite acts (they played support in Baltimore as well). This set was different than their others however, in the fact that they were without multi-instrumentalist and part-time singer Matt King. This led to a performance Thomas dubbed “not as hit laden,” but as always, they were extrememly tight. A great way to spend a frigid Buffalo night.