
Tender Band Parts

Post Author: Nate Dorr


Arrington de Dionysio of Old Time Relijun

Charlie Salas-Humara of Panther

Ryan Patterson of Coliseum

Cassie Ramone of the Vivian Girls

Kim Schifino of Matt & Kim

Breck Brunson of the Apes

Edward B. Gieda III of An Albatross

Lou Reed of Lou Reed

Pete Cafarella of Shy Child

BJ Warshaw of Parts & Labor

Mary Pearson of High Places

Honus Honus of Man Man

Alice Glass of Crystal Castles

Jennifer Clavin of Mika Miko(Correct answers at the bottom)















All photos by Nate Dorr

[01] Lou Reed of Lou Reed

[02] Honus Honus of Man Man

[03] BJ Warshaw of Parts & Labor

[04] Jennifer Clavin of Mika Miko

[05] Cassie Ramone of the Vivian Girls

[06] Arrington de Dionysio of Old Time Relijun

[07] Charlie Salas-Humara of Panther

[08] Pete Cafarella of Shy Child

[09] Breck Brunson of the Apes

[10] Mary Pearson of High Places

[11] Kim Schifino of Matt & Kim

[12] Alice Glass of Crystal Castles

[13] Edward B. Gieda III of An Albatross

[14] Ryan Patterson of Coliseum