
Cyberbully Mom Club, “Friends”

Post Author: Niccolo Porcello

Philadelphia’s Cyberbully Mom Club have built a steady reputation writing songs that are at once confessional and uplifting without ever bordering on pandering. Anchored by the lilting voice of Shari Heck, Cyberbully’s affectation moves well beyond the somewhat trite “twee” and settles somewhere around comforting. Theirs are identifiable songs, crafted better than all but a select group of peers are capable of rivaling.

“Friends” is the newest full-band output from Cyberbully Mom Club, covered here on Impose earlier in the month. They have released a video for the track that alternates between the quartet playing the song in one of Philly’s revered basements, and the band watching themselves play in that same basement. Directed by Michael Williams and Ryan Bender, the video is a simple and great visual accompaniment to a simple and great song.

Watch them watch themselves above.