
D E C O R U M, “W A X I N G / W A I T I N G”

Post Author: Impose Automaton

Decorum are a New York trio who make dreamy, textured post-punk with just two basses, drums, and interlocking vocal parts. Their sole release to date is C E N T R E, a two-song digital release, but their debut EP is forthcoming. The new video for “W A X I N G / W A I T I N G” is minimal but engaging, starring Meredith Graves performing karaoke songs in front of projected lyrics. “The idea was to have someone singing karaoke and while having the words of the songs projected back onto them,” the band explains. “It sort of speaks to the structure of how lots of music videos incorporate the band just lip-syncing to their own song—we didn’t want to do that ourselves necessarily, so we used the same idea in a karaoke context. The colors and physical movements are key in a subtle way.” In case you’re curious, Meredith is performing Drake and Makonnen’s Tuesday, Whitney Houston’s So Emotional, Tears For Fears’ Head Over Heels and Candy Station’s Young Hearts Run Free. Decorum have some shows coming up; dates are below.

Decorum dates:

05 Brooklyn, NY – Bohemian Grove w/ Chimes, Kurvi Tasch, Final Bloom
29 Brooklyn, NY – Muchmore’s w/ Operator, Teen Girl Scientist Monthly and Brainfreeze

25 New York, NY – Cake Shop w/ Parlor Walls, Night Powers (Tape Release) and Courtship Ritual