
Beverly, “Honey Do”

Typically, "pretty" and "garage" aren't typed in the same breath, but Beverly's "Honey Do", the lead single off the band's forthcoming debut Careers, begs to be the exception. The track from Frankie Rose + Drew Citron, currently of The Pains of Being Pure at Heart, turns garage rock fuzz into a flirty, ephemeral daze and its accompanying video drops a black & white trip down romanticized high-school memory lane.

The catchy melody drives along the video's bouncy narrative, floating through small vignettes of teenage summer time-wasting. It's all flashes of kids sitting around, shooting the shit, getting Slurpees, drawing Sharpie tattoos on themselves, flipping through magazines at the local book store, jumping up and down on each other or their sister's trampoline after they dipped into the Triple Sec stashed in the back of their parent's liqour cabinet. I may have projected a few personal details there, but what is artistic nostalgia for if not evoking the personal experienece through the shared experience of another?

Watch and insert your own fond summertime follies into the sweet visual story of "Honey Do" while you wait for Careers out via Kanine Records on July 1.