
Impose founder Derek Evers to speak at SxSW panel

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SxSW panel

After nearly a decade of independent publishing, someone at SxSW thinks Impose is successful enough to ask us to speak on the topic of Bootstrapping Strategies for Music Entrepreneurs. Assuming, of course, we have a strategy, we’re sending the closest thing we have to an “entrepreneur”—our founder Derek Evers—to Austin to discuss such topics as, “What’s a business plan, and who needs one?”, “What do you wish you’d known before you launched your business?” and other burning questions Derek will pretend to know the answers to.

If you’d like to attend the panel in person, he’ll be speaking alongside other start-up professionals from labels, publishing and publicity at the Austin Convention Center on Wednesday, March 18, from 11am-12pm. You can see the full lineup and list of details here.

And of course, later that evening through the rest of the week, you should make sure to stop by the Austin Imposition at the Longbranch Inn.