
Darlings, “Floor Boy”

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NYC’s Darlings are back with a new single from their forthcoming LP, Perfect Trip. But for the main subject of “Floor Boy,” a good trip means an epic fall. Like a drunk that hits the ground and sticks like glue, “Floor Boy” won’t get up because he’s convinced he’ll end up back down, stuck in a slacker cycle of inevitability and manufactured bad luck.

But even if it’s kind of your fault, the song’s great, spitting rhymes like “Falling down/ Feeling older/He’s got this thing on his shoulder” stuffed into mind-burning, party-fueling fuzz. It makes being a low-life flunky more fun than it’s ever been before, while letting you hate on the guy next door. Stuck between wanting self-fulfillment and thirstin’ for some cheap beer, “Floor Boy” is a great kinda-diss track in an otherwise slightly sweeter, super catchy garage rock record.

Darlings, “Floor Boy” is streaming in our player below and can be heard at their Bandcamp.

Darlings’ self-released Perfect Trip is out January 29.