
Infinite Void, “Even Ground”

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As someone with Goth Tendencies, I’ve watched the Big Return of Goth from being pronounced undead (and maligned) at the fringes of subculture to being an influencer on mainstream culture over the last few years with trepidation and interest. Good news: there’s a lot more music for us little bats to love. Bad news: there are so many bands out there doing this thing that it’s hard to sort the black gems from the guano.

Melbourne’s Infinite Void are most definitely worth the time. I hadn’t heard any new recordings from them since their 2012 self-titled LP, but they’ve got at least one new split out (with Copenhagen’s synthy dreamers MOTH, also worth attention), and their track from it, “Even Ground”, which you can listen to below, is gorgeous. Jacquie Hynes’ (also of The Diamond Sea and Deep Heat) vocals glimmer over guitars drenched with syrupy chorus and delay and a rhythm section that keeps the whole song moving and adds a significant amount of heft. The veil between the worlds is waiting.

The Infinite Void / MOTH split will be released November 1 via Australia’s Unwound Records and will be available through Mass Media Records in the US and Contraszt! Records in Europe. You can stream “Even Ground” below.