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Over the past two years, QUARTERBACKS a/k/a Dean Engle has recorded and re-recorded super-short and introspective story songs, spread out over three tapes on Double Double Whammy. Now, with a three piece band, he has recorded a bunch of them again, this time recorded by Kyle Gilbride (of Swearin’) for a self-titled debut on Team Love. The infectious single, “Center”, bangs out a devastatingly raw message in under a minute and a half, like most of the 19 tracks on the album running just shy of 21 minutes. The track features a slow-down moment in the second half, before a slight pick-up leads into final line, “I recognize that love is mostly situational,” a line that hits even hard over the sharp turn of a guitar.

Team Love Records will release the band’s QUARTERBACKS LP February 10 of next year. Stream “Center” here.