
Sleepwalker Funeral – “Burned Bones”

Post Author: Jeff Cubbison

LA producer and visual artist returns with another dark, unnerving track & video

Sleepwalker Funeral is a producer and visual artist hailing from the San Fernando Valley. He crafts dark, staticky electronic tunes with a grimy hip-hop kick, typically pairing them with shadowy, noir-ish and oftentimes unnerving music videos. His latest work is a slithery and dissonant slice of modern witch-house called “Burned Bones” – a sort of survivor’s anthem about coping with trauma and mental health issues, and coupled with a vividly feverish visual clip.

Slicing swells of noise and pulsating trap hi-hats collide with anguished, guttural vocals as the track’s lyrics tackle topics related to self-care and emotional recovery: “I’m working on my mental health, I’m learning how to love myself and not self-loath all the time like I’ve done my entire life.” Here, Sleepwalker Funeral delivers the lines with a robotic, routine-like affect, contributing to a sense of mental stasis as the track’s layers of feedback ebb and flow ahead. The song’s black-and-white video was filmed in the Venice Beach area and features shots of the artist listlessly wandering along the canals and along the breakwater as waves come ominously crashing in. Creepy shots of a pot boiling on a stove as well as a blinking fire alarm are woven in as well. There’s a cold sense of detachment coursing through the clip, perfectly synching up with the track’s cavernous, daunting vibe. It’s a bit uneasy-feeling but utterly hypnotizing, and an excellent new effort from Sleepwalker Funeral. Watch it below.