
Wale, More About Nothing

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Wale's Attention Deficit was aptly titled as it was all over the place and was forgotten before it even had a chance to gain steam. Thinking back to that record, I can't recall any of its songs besides the single “Chillin'”. The Mixtape About Nothing remains Wale's most widely appreciated record, making his return to the format a calculatedly wise move.

More About Nothing falls back into the Seinfeld sampling as prompts to Wale's subject matter, such as the presence of The Soup Nazi and the stand-up clip that introduces “The Friends N' Strangers”. Jerry Seinfeld bemoans friends for being annoying and the lack of sense in it, considering they are selected by you. Wale relates with a first verse about haters in the District who don't understand his grown man ambition and a second verse about ex-girl situation with a twist that contradicts Seinfeld's theory that being friends with an ex is like two magicians attempting to impress one another.

“The Numbers Won (Competition)” addresses Wale's inner conflict, as he comes to terms with fellow rappers reaching higher levels and becoming distant friends. It's no secret the first few bars are about KiD CuDi. Even Wale cuts the verse to admit his words are strange, but it's a natural reaction when you're taking true risk.

Download More About Nothing here via 2DopeBoyz.

Wale, “The Friends N' Strangers” (feat. Tre of UCB)

Wale, “The Soup”

Wale, “The Numbers Won (Competition)”