
Tavi Gevinson Co-Stars in “InstaMiniSeries” Inspired by David Bowie’s Blackstar

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tavi gevinson unbound

An Instagram post this week announced UNBOUND: A ★ InstaMiniSeries starring Rookie Magazine founder Tavi Gevinson and the actress Patricia Clarkson respectively as “protagonist” and “lounge singer” in a series of “visual interpretations” of David Bowie‘s astonishing final album, Blackstar.

The 16-episode series, which premieres this Thursday, “Takes the audience on a journey of evocative images inspired by the moods suggested in the album’s music, lyrics and artwork,” a caption to the announcement post reads. “Each episode of the series is sure to capture the imaginations of all who experience it and will undoubtedly lead to endless speculation and discussion of meaning, metaphor and intention.”

The series sprung from “unique pre-release access to the music from [Blackstar]” and it was completed in December 2015, weeks before the peerless artist’s death at the age of 69 on January 10.

“David Bowie has always been about reinvention over repetition,” reads a statement by Borges. “Remarkably honest and passionate in his work, his innovations have influenced our own work as we transform a social media platform into a creative outlet.”

The teaser, posted below, shows flashes of dancers and actors who appear to flicker in an old-world parlor setting.