

Twitter #KillingIt

Are bands murderers?

Okay okay okay, I know screen-shotting tweets is really lame, but I want to address a few things. First, what are you tweeting right now?

Death Grips No Love Deep Web


[Ed's Note: The following piece was submitted by's Sean Stout in syndication. The original can be read here.] Let me start off by saying

Teem Mom

Talking With Teen Mom

Teen Mom has existed a bit on the peripheries of the DC scene with their name steadily appearing on more and more flyers and Facebook

Picture-Poems By Kenneth Patchen

This summer I found two rare Kenneth Patchen gems at a secret bookstore uptown. Both Because It Is and Hallelujah Anyway are picture-poem prints from

Scammers, Magic Carpet Ride

I missed my chance to see KC's Scammers in Denver a few weeks ago at Rhinoceropolis by about 20 minutes. Huge let down. But alas,