
Night Talks Regales Us With Personal Anecdotes, New Music, and Cris’ Sense of Humor

Post Author: Meredith Schneider

Los Angeles-based alternative rock four-piece Night Talks – comprised of Soraya Sebghati, Jacob Butler, Josh Arteaga and Cris Arteaga – has been rocking their way up the west coast. They garnered critical acclaim for their single “Green”, and just released their latest, “Mr. Bloom”. We got to chat with the band a bit about their music, the process, and Cris’ sense of humor.

If you could introduce yourselves to our readers in any way, with money not being a factor, how would you do so? 

Soraya: I would personally probably emerge from behind a crushed velvet curtain wearing some ridiculous/fabulous getup involving an ascot.

What’s the first album or song you remember hearing, and who played it for you?

Soraya: The first album I have a memory of hearing is Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars by David Bowie. My mom bought it for me when I was around 7 or 8. Definitely had a MASSIVE effect on me.

Jacob: I remember my dad cranking Ok Computer (Radiohead) in the car when I was a kid a lot. Fitter Happier scared me.

What made you decide to pursue music? Did you have an “a-ha!”moment?

Soraya: I was initially a musical theater kid. I realized I liked playing rock music when I was around 13, and then fully committed to it when I stopped getting theater roles in school due to my “unconventional” voice.

Jacob: I grew up in a musical household. My dad and step dad were musicians. I thought that’s what people were supposed to do when they grew up – I never thought I had any other options. It’s the family business.

What is the official origin story of Night Talks? Why that name?

Soraya: We all met at an after school/weekend music program we were a part of. The name came out of a sound/lineup change. We had booked our first show in our new lineup and the venue needed a name ASAP. We went with Night Talks because we realized we had been having a conversation about our band name well into the night time.

How do you think living in LA effects your sound or your approach to the industry?

Soraya: I think because we’re surrounded by so much music here (mainly good music), we’ve had to find ways to stick out, both with our sound and with our business. 

Soraya – your voice is electrifying! Do you have any professional training?

Soraya: Well, thank you! When I was younger I used to take formal voice lessons. I actually had problems with my vocal chords when I was a kid, and I had to quit singing for a year and go to speech therapy. I would say that we (my voice and I) have been through a lot. Always remember to warm up your vocal chords, kids! 

What was the inspiration behind your single “Mr. Bloom”?

Soraya: I was lyrically inspired by James Joyce’s novel “Ulysses.” The song addresses the protagonist, Leopold Bloom. The lyrics deal with questioning Bloom’s actions and the motivations behind those actions. 

Jacob: I just wanted something a little more up-tempo than the stuff we were working on at the time. It was nice to have Soraya write lyrics about something not so personal or emotional. The whole song was just a nice break from what we were doing. 

How do you imagine people listening to “Green”?

Soraya: The story that comes to mind is a person who’s just gotten back at their lover after being jilted by them in some horrible way. Worth noting: the revenge is well-deserved. “Green” plays in the speakers of their vintage convertible as they drive down the PCH, laughing with satisfaction.

Cats or dogs? Substantiate your claim.

Soraya: As much as I love both, I’ve gotta go with dogs. They’re too good for us humans. And even the ugly ones are cute! I wish I could pet every dog that’s ever lived.

Jacob: Dogs. My dogs are never not happy to see me. Everyone needs that kind of love. Cats are cool, but they aren’t as obvious about their love.

Cris: Dogs. I have more fun with a dog because they’re totally more active than cats.

What makes you laugh so hard you cry?

Soraya: Cris and Josh do some pretty silly things that I can’t even really explain that make me laugh myself into oblivion. I become a true mess around them. Also, Jacob’s Batman/Tom Waits impersonations. Truly a marvel. 

Jacob: Cris. Like, everything he does.

Josh: Anytime my brother (Cris) pretends to imitate a sweepstakes caller saying, “YOU JUST WON A BRAND NEW CAR!”

What’s your favorite part about live performance?

Soraya: A live performance is nothing without a great crowd. I really develop a symbiotic relationship with every crowd I perform to. When a crowd is awesome and truly giving me energy, there’s nothing like it in the world. 

Jacob: There is something magical about playing music with people you’re tuned in to, like us. The songs, even after being recorded, are constantly changing and evolving live. You mess up at a show, and it ends up being better than what you used to play. It’s cool.

Keep up with the band on their Facebook page, and check out new releases here.