
THANKS Shares “Your Man” Success, Future Looks Bright

Post Author: Meredith Schneider

Back in September, we had the chance to catch up with Anders and Anders of THANKS. Well, we didn’t want to miss out on any new updates with the guys, especially with the massive success of their song “Your Man”. Check out the track below, as well as a few more questions with these immeasurable talents.

If you could introduce yourselves American in any way, how would you do it?

Billboard on Sunset Boulevard.

What was the first song you remember listening to, and who introduced it to you?

Probably “Wonderwall” (Oasis). Heard it after soccer practice, went into town next day and bought it.

But how did you two meet?

We met in our home town Silkeborg. We went to different high schools, but we met through a mutual friend and started our first band with him.

How do you think where you’re from that has aided in shaping who you are and how you live your life?

We’re kind of down to earth and low-key but we love to party, that’s pretty typical Danish.

What’s your musical background?

Just started playing the piano at home, and got guitars when we were 12-13 years old and started singing and recording song on mini-discs.

How do you imagine your fans listening to “Your Man”?

House party, 11pm Saturday night, vodka/tonic.

How do you want people to feel when they listen to your music?

Good and free, like everything’s gonna be ok.

What do you think is the greatest challenge we face in the world today?

Global warming.

How do you think music can help make a change?

Don’t know if it can.

Do you have a favorite venue to hang out at – whether you’re playing or not?

Koko and Shepherd’s Bush in London are probably where we’ve played our best shows. Hoxton Bar & Kitchen is also great, super tight and loud room. Vega in Copenhagen is a beautiful old building to play too. Also love visiting historic venues such as Whisky a Go-Go and Apollo Theater.

What’s the best piece of advice you have ever gotten?

Let things happen.

What’s up next for THANKS?

There’s gonna be a video for “Your Man” in the beginning of the new year, featuring Sam Sparro, us and a green screen. +We have more new music coming out in 2017.


Keep up with THANKS here.