
NYC party tomorrow: Video Hippos, OCDJ, Hard Bop, special guest

Post Author: Jeremy Krinsley

Tomorrow night Impose and e4e1 are throwing a party at Death by Audio with performances by Video Hippos (with OCDJ), Hard Bop and… John Cougar Fuckpants. Who is this Fuckpants, you say? Perhaps you aren’t acquainted with the funny system we have in our fair city, in which bands set to play official, big venues are under contract not to mention gigs they aren’t playing for those ever-lovely, meglomaniacal venue-owning powers that be. So we’ll leave it at that. Or, in the words of e4e1, banana fanna fo feth.

And even if you aren’t into our secretive guests, you ought to come to check out Video Hippos’ integrated video/live performance paired tomorrow, so they say, with OCDJ’s revved-up dance party mash ups. Guaranteed to be a party.