
Ruth Garbus, Hello Everybody

Post Author: Justin Hernandez

OSR, the non-profit label that’s been releasing tapes since 2007, is shuttering its operations and have released their final batch of 25 offerings. Among these is Hello Everybody, a four tune collection from Ruth Garbus.

Over a bubbling electro-acoustic music bed, a stream of consciousness narrative touching upon everything from synesthesia to Doritos unspools on the opening title track of Hello Everybody. A taut, distorted melody line accents the tune, straining to be heard over the shuffle in its understated bombast. “Grey Sweatshirt” is set to a shuffling march, its lilting vocal melody drifting along on quietly plucked and strummed strings.

“Black Bag” features busker-like percussion that falls like raindrops. The warm vocal harmonies and intimate production gives the song a dreamy quality that only accelerates as the song moves along, ebbing and flowing towards its conclusion. “Vases” is a breezy, galloping piece that closes Hello Everybody in much the same fashion as it opened as it takes the mundane malaise of everyday life and sets it to rhapsodic melodies, elevating the monotonous to a place of beauty.

Hello Everybody is available for purchase now and you can check out the rest of OSR’s releases here. You can follow Ruth Garbus and check out the rest of her work on Bandcamp.