Albums of the Week
Listen to new releases by Metz, Touché Amoré, Mary Lattimore, Slow Pulp & more Plenty to love for fans of
Listen to new releases by Metz, Touché Amoré, Mary Lattimore, Slow Pulp & more Plenty to love for fans of
L.A.-based composer mesmerizes with 15-minute experimental ride Classical harpist and ambient musician Mary Lattimore has been riding a hot creative
The Swedish band Marduk (pictured) has landed on US soil, and they are ready to pillage some shit. For fear
The eco-friendly black metal of Wolves in the Throne Room made it’s way to the toxic deathtrap lined with cute
Some of the best metal of 2009, so far. Big Business have a new record, Sunn O))) is employing French