
Premiere: Alex Calder, “Fatal Delay”

Welcome to another edition of "Weird Canadians Signed to Captured Tracks". In previous reports we've followed Mac DeMarco, as he proverbially teabags the American countryside dressed as Mozart and serenading our loins through his gapped smile. We've seen him jingle his bandmates' junk, lose drumsticks in his butthole, and give Dent May the finger. This week its former Makeout Videotape bandmate to DeMarco, Alex Calder, who's close encounters include upshots of nostrils (surprisingly clean), nose picking (clean, confirmed), and bulging eyeballs. Watch as he makes the faces only a circus act billed as The Man With An Elastic Face should be able to pull off.

On "Fatal Delay", Calder is mildly psychedelic, the layered vocals tripping through a hyper-reality accented by an invitation to get in line for the show in the back of his mind. Director Jason Harvey is keen to the show within, as he unleashes media bursts of kaleidoscopes, occult pentagrams, digital explosions, and infinite 90s PC hour glasses. It all amounts to a small battle between who can be weirder, Alex with his melted face or the director throwing Molotov media into the pale.

Alex Calder's Time EP is out now on Captured Tracks.