
Geoff Rickly vs. Pictureplane

Post Author: Kate Bennis
Geoff Rickly and Pictureplane

As previously mentioned, we’ve been posting up in the little trailer in Silent Barn‘s backyard. Maybe you’ve noticed? It’s called The Canned Ham and it’s actually a multi-purpose hidden space that we’ve been using to pair up artists who we thought might have interesting conversations together; for the first installment, we asked former Thursday frontman and Collect Records founder Geoff Rickly and the multi-faceted Alien Body Pictureplane to discuss the way both’s music have influenced the other.

Of course, this interview happened before it was revealed Collect Records was funded by Pharmaceuticals henchman Martin Shkreli (subsequently dumped by Geoff, who then went on to have a horrible week in his own right), Pictureplane’s new album announcement, or the terrible fire that consumed much of Silent Barn’s third floor. Let’s take this back to a sunnier time, where extreme close-ups and hand gestures articulate a friendly conversation between the two music lifers.