
Premiere: Laughters, “Lament”

Oakland's ex-Religious Girls member Guy Culver and percussionist Ringo Huerta are the current line up of rhythmic synth purveyor project, Laughters that bring a manic electric fury of keys, beeps, digital blasts, drum bombardments and a frenetic stress behind the sultry smiles. Today the group are proud to present their latest offering of paradox pop in the debut of the "Lament" video directed by Morgan Henshaw and Vanessa Monique found off their new ThoroughlyContentVol​.​1 EP where Culver's airing of grievances are shared over a variety of desserts, short breads, and an azure frosted cake that displays the words "pretty blue".

At this soiree of beautiful people enjoying cake and tea-time-tossies, Guy takes the gathering as a moment to lay out his terse bottled up feelings, observations, and perspectives. "I've been wondering how'd it get so strange, how'd it get so I can't even touch your face, can't even clear my name without it in my place". The group of well dressed pretties look on nonplussed as if gathered for a lavish intervention as Guy lets it out, tears in and shares his sentiments, misgivings, thoughts and various vague dagger-edged wonders. As the electronics loop like top spun mental images and fractured memories, Ringo throws out the stability of a back beat with the bath water in favor of social assassin drum fills. The guests glance at each other in stoned bewilderment, not knowing where this breakdown might lead or end.

As the company stares around looking at times bored, and other times ill at ease; smoke fills the living room as the stress levels reach a histrionic all time high. "I've been thinking of you all these days, and I've been wondering how you stay so based, after all that shit that they put in your way, you still have faith? You still had faith? But me I'm done with it, fuck that shit, I'm done with it", shouted with emotional disintegration as Guy takes a long drag while rustling a stressed hand through his hair. Questions of keeping or quitting the faith come to the surface from perhaps deep, latent religious underpinnings; the conflictual antinomy comes full circle as the minute and a half song concludes with the dismissive, "I'm done with it" refrain within the hypertension driven electro-beatification-melange.

The Laughters debut ThoroughlyContentVol​.​1 EP is available now via Bandcamp from Popgang, recorded in a day's time by fellow former Religous Girl and half of the production team Friendzone, Dylan Reznick. The East Bay duo will be playing an Oakland Green Ova release party March 6 at Jam City with Mon$ta and Shady Blaze both of Green Ova Records with details on Facebook as they prepare for a US tour with Seattle's MTNS that includes a stop at SXSW with all booked dates listed via Facebook.