
Premiere: High Wolf, “Kulti”

Whether you're made of atoms, god particles, chakras, reiki, midi-chlorians, or thetans, High Wolf is interested in exciting the microscopic fabric of our existence with his transcendental electro-dub.

Listing his genre on Facebook as "Pyramidal Meditation", High Wolf hears the symbiosis of life, down to the amoebas, on "Kulti". The French drone expert is breaking from his shell on Kairos: Chronos. The dub bass inspires the sway of "Kulti", while the guitar musings shimmer into a universal jam that never gets too close to world music, but achieves the accessibility of being mistakable for a regional sound. The title could suggest a Bengali influence, but High Wolf lives up to his efforts in transcendence as locales like Turkey, Ethiopia, and Brazil could be attributed to the song's origin. The video voids the effort to regionalize High Wolf, since it's impossible to tell what city an amoeba is in.

High Wolf's Kairos: Chronos is out June 11 on Not Not Fun.