
Is Slutever behind the mysterious Brooklyn Bridge “White Flag”?

Post Author: Katie Capri
"white flag" palm trees rainbow sky

The shimmery sheen of Claire’s lip gloss and Lisa Frank stickers washes over the brand new “White Flag” video from brand new West Coast residents Slutever. In girl gang form, Emily Reo and Faye Orlove join the Philly-formed garage-pop duo in the sun-sparkly video, romping around Venice Beach like gleeful ’90s children who’s parents snuck a lot of Yellow Submarine into their regularly scheduled Saturday morning cartoons.

The “White Flag” video captures a mood diametrically (and geographically) opposed to that painted by Nicole Synder’s Philadelphia-spawned lyrics about feeling stuck, indifferent and generally uninspired after being in the same comfortable place with the same people for too damn long. Between hardcore sand-frolicking, soft-serve slurping and general cheesin’ “I just gotta get away til my head’s clear/I can’t create I fucking hate it here” seems like ancient history.

Though Slutever concedes that the song’s original title was “Get Out”, it seems like their recent move to LA was a type of giving in to something that was swallowing them up. This video makes it seem like it’s worked out swimmingly for the Slutever girls. Maybe the same “get the fuck out” drive to move 3,000 miles away from your comfort zone can be drilled into the trend-hunting Manhattanites who’ve occupied the other side of the Brooklyn Bridge.