
Turn To Crime, “Can’t Love”

Post Author: Caitlin Greene

Ex-Awesome Color member Derek Stanton recently rebooted as Detroit-based Turn To Crime, beginning as a solo noise outfit before forging the full-scale avant-pop band it is today. Their debut album, Can’t Love, out now on the band’s Mugg & Bopp label, was built on Stanton’s guitar/drums/keyboard skeletons, lacing in vocals intended to float out in the distance (or low in the mix), like on off-kilter, ambient pop track “Can’t Love”, or lead single “Sunday’s Cool.”

For the “Can’t Love” video,  dark and dim shots of prefab corporate office building facades cut to live band footage, a party scene, letter scrawls and lingering shots of bleak winter weather, spliced and arranged in no particular order. Calling it a ‘love letter to Detroit’ might be an overstatement, but perhaps the track title accounts for the showing of emotional restraint. It’s an overall beauty in sound and visuals well worth a Monday gander.

Turn To Crime’s “Can’t Love” was shot and directed by Manda Moran with the camera help of Andy Madeleine and featuring love letters penned by anonymous Detroiters.