
Watch Screaming Females hang out at Mission San Luis

Post Author: Abbie Hornburg

“Band on the Street” is a video series of whimsical interview set in Tallahassee, Florida that has recently featured touring bands such as Palehound, Dads, and Downtown Boys. In this episode, creator Alex O’ Keefe interviews the shredding New Jersey trio Screaming Females. O’ Keefe takes us along on an adventure with the Screaming Females back to 1703 with the historical re-enactors at Mission San Luis. While sipping on boxes of apple juice, the band retell their own history, discussing stories about their punk roots, inspiration from Providence’s political punks Downtown Boys, and how bassist Mike Abbate got his crowning title as punk “King” while working at a summer camp: “I convinced all the children that I was the king of the world and that I lived on a private island and flew a plane to work everyday. Than when we started the band there were a lot of Mike’s in the punk scene of New Brunswick and I felt like I needed to have a cool rock n roll name.”

O’ Keefe creates a comical and lively history for the band, diving into everything from Marissa and Mike’s experiences as punks in Catholic school to the band’s encounters with ghosts.