
Help make a video!

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So, I have been running Terroreyes for around three years now. Throughout the duration of these three years I have always openly asked for submissions, be it music, art, videos, whatever you think we would enjoy checking out. I discover some of my favorite things that way, and most of it is fairly inspiring and creative. why don't we all collaborate? I have been thinking of this idea for some time now, and think it could be a worthwhile experiment. I don't wish for Terroreyes to strictly be a janky online music publication where people come to strictly discover music and watch videos. There are so many of those already, right? I would like it to serve as more of a community. It's not like we post the hottest most up to date pop music anyways. We lean towards the more off kilter, strange, experimental sounds thats bring all of us together in our quest for a more artistic, thoughtful musical experience… Okay okay, this is getting to corny, I know. Anyway, I had an idea. A collaborative Idea that would involve you if you so choose to be involved.

This will serve as a test to see if this idea can work more than once, but lets just try it. Basically, I feel that most individuals that follow this website are creatives themselves. Whether it be filmmakers, musicians, visual artists, what have you, I feel we should all make something together.

This could turn out horrible, or it may turn out great, but either way, it is worth a try.

Let's try to collectively make a music video. Anyone can submit whatever medium of visual art you would like; video, photography, drawings, anything you want. And if you are a musician, submit a song.


Think of any short idea you would like, and film it, or draw it, or make it however you would like, then email it in. All short clips would be compiled into 1 project and mashed together into an edit over a song. I will edit the video as well as film small portions myself. We're not looking to create something narrative, in fact, the end product will make no sense at all visually, but that is sort of the point; we don't really know what we are creating. Just think of the end product as a visual cluster-fuck of multiple, short creative visual endeavors interacting with one another to create a whole.

If you are a musician, submit a track, I will pick my personal favorite 5 tracks and post them on the site. We will all collectively hold a vote to determine which track we want to be used in the final piece.


You are free to submit sort of video clip(s) you would like. If they need effects work, such as chroma keying (Green screen) please make a note in your submission email and please make sure such shots are set up to be keyed (Lit, at least okay, etc). Keep in mind that your original submitted clip may not be used in the final edit in its original form i.e. it may be overlaid onto of other clips, colored, or manipulated in any way we sit fit to suite the final edit. If you do not wish for this, please specify in your submission.

Codecs: While you are free to submit any quality video clip you would like, please send video files with a .MOV file extension. Pro-Res or any DVCPRO compression is preferred if possible, but if you shot your piece on a phone or point and shoot digital camera just send the raw file straight from the device. If your clip needs compression please specify in your submission email. If you don't understand any of this jargon, pat yourself on the back for presumably having a social life and send whatever you got anyways and we will try to figure it out and make it work.


You are free to submit ANY genre of music you would like as long as you have created it. Please ONLY SUBMIT SoundCloud links. Include your band / artist name and the track title and please make your SoundCloud link public and embedable, as the final chosen tracks will be posted to the site to be voted on. If your track is chosen for the final piece, we will require a .WAV audio file of your track.

Submissions for this project will be excepted starting TODAY and will be open through Wednesday July 4th. Please send all submissions to with the email header title “FREE TIME AT NIGHT TIME: VIDEO SUBMISSION” (Or, 'SONG SUBMISSION' if submitting a track). Please also include your name in the email.

So, lets get creative, get weird, and overall have fun. Hopefully this will turn out awesome and we can continue to do more collaborative projects in the future. I am personally very excited (And, slightly nervous) to see how this all pans out, but lets give it our all and see what we can make together! #:)