
Week in Pop: Future Twin, Hooveriii, Joe Gorgeous, Two Moons

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Austra’s Week in Pop

The aura & intrigue of Austra; press photo courtesy of the artists.
The aura & intrigue of Austra; press photo courtesy of the artists.

Appropriately releasing the album Future Politics today via Domino; Katie Stelmanis also graciously took the time to present us with her following exclusive Week in Pop guest selections:

Anna Domino, “Land of My Dreams”

I was introduced to this song pretty recently and I’ve since listened to it probably at least 100 times on repeat. It’s the kind of song that puts you in a trance, like a lullaby and a very desperate yearning at once.

The Austra case; press photo courtesy of the band.
The Austra case; press photo courtesy of the band.

Donna Summer, “Working the Midnight Shift”

This song doesn’t seem to have an official video but it has some pretty great non-official ones on youtube. This is one of my favorite disco tracks. My band covered it for a while on tour and I’m not sure if many people recognized it which is a tragedy because its such an aimlessly beautiful track.
Hanging out with Austra; press photo courtesy of the artists.
Hanging out with Austra; press photo courtesy of the artists.

Avalon Emerson, “The Frontier”

This is a pretty new release but its one of my favorite songs at the moment. The melody is so hauntingly beautiful. I’m also a fan of Emerson’s video work, I don’t really understand how she does it but its some sort of amalgamation of data over months and months of gathering footage apparently.

Austra for peace; press photo courtesy of the artist.
Austra for peace; press photo courtesy of the artist.

Erasure, “Always Wanna Be With You”

I love this song and this video equally. It reminds me of all the opera DVDs I used to watch as a kid, with theatre actors performing on a visibly fabricated stage in ridiculously heavy stage make up.

photo by Renata Raksha
Austra, photographed by Renata Raksha.

Massive Attack, “Unfinished Sympathy”

We played a festival with massive attack a few years ago somewhere in Belgium. It was really small with only one stage so they played only a couple bands after us. I had never really listened to them before but was totally blown away by the performance and proceeded to download all their albums. This one is my favorite so far but I haven’t been able to get through them all yet.

Austra; photographed by Kate Young.
Austra; photographed by Kate Young.

Kate Bush, “Cloudbusting”

I love all of Kate Bush’s video but this one is my favorite I think. I love the narrative and I love her wig! I just watched it again right now and started crying at the end but that may just be because I’m feeling particularly emotional at the moment.
Follow Austra on Twitter & catch them on the following tour dates:
austra week in pop tour dates 4