
Week in Pop: Francie Moon, Noumenal Loom, Shelf Life

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Bam Spacey

Bam Spacey 1998

We are excited to announce the grand return of Bam Spacey with a nine minute epic called “Eden” that stretches to the dawn of an infinite tomorrow while reaching backwards for mythical places. The Malmö, Sweden artist follows up his his Ceremony/Luxury album 1998 with the culmination of visions soon to follow when the world receives Spacey’s second anticipated album Misty available November 11 from Hybris. The following epic moves through the various emotions that many don’t normally associate with the electronic medium as we are treated to what is most definitely the next chapter from the beloved Swedish artist.

“Eden” is everything Bible school never told you. Bam Spacey takes you to the creation myth of an ethereal, electric menagerie that unfurls in the most hypnotic of textures & patterns of sequences that illuminates the minds with some of the most intricate & astonishing arrangements heard yet from B. Spacey. Vocals emerge from a movement of keyboard arrangements & percussion swirls that dip & dive through sections & suites of utter opulence. “Eden” is everything you have waited for from Bam Spacey and much more as we await the next cycle of adventures to arrive from one of the world’s contemporary vanguards of sophisticated nu-electronica. Bam Spacey delivered the following exclusive introduction:

Eden was actually the last song to come together for the new album. We might not go as far as calling it a concept album, but it’s pretty close. Before the song was finished, the album didn’t really have a title. Eden came about as a track to round everything out, tie up loose ends and all that, so it kind of felt natural that the album also got the name Eden. The song started out as a 2-minute instrumental, and stayed that way a while, but we kept building on it, it never really felt finished. Not until we reached the 9-minute mark. It’s kind of the whole theme of the album, condensed into one song. It’s about losing everything, not sure if it’ll ever come back. Sure, it’s sentimental stuff, but we’re always treading that fine line with our stuff, trying not to overdo it. Still, you write what you know, and sadness is what we know best.

Bam Spacey’s second album Misty will be available November 11 from Hybris.