
Week in Pop: Banny Grove, Beasteater, Mean Jolene

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Nerve Leak

The latest from Nerve Leak, oka Sam Friedman; press photo courtesy of the artist.
The latest from Nerve Leak, oka Sam Friedman; press photo courtesy of the artist.

Following up his recent much lauded single “DR34M5”, Nerve Leak dropped the latest audio transmission of feeling & urgency with “Moon Pulls” that pits the the inertia of our atmosphere with the absence of found in the greater galactic universe. “Moon Pull” depicts something of a sensual magnetism that causes our artist to be caught in something like a moon beam/tractor beam of sorts. Nerve Leak here imagines the connective feelings between our station on earth and the lunarian calendars & time scales that abide by their own sets of sciences & metaphysics. Sam Friedman described his own experience in creating the new single with the following exclusive insights:

I don’t normally produce and write in the same headspace; production is technical and demands focus. On the other hand, writing lyrics is all about letting what’s inside speak with as little focus to detail as possible. For “Moon Pulls”, I wrote the lyrics in a hazy state, and they came out like a stream-of-consciousness poem—I was describing my experience of being with someone I had been hiding feelings for. When we finally embraced each other romantically, I felt an incredible rush of ecstasy and consolation, but the reflection also brought about feelings of doubt and pain. There was a battle between euphoria and downcast.

When I produced the beat for “Moon Pulls”, I had no lyrics in mind until I sat down with the skeletal beat in my practice space and dug through old lyrics. After deciding to try out the euphoria vs. downcast lyrics, it quickly became apparent that these moods were meant for each other. The song rounds out with trap & dance inflections and soaring vocal samples. The final sound is a metaphor for how the moon controls the tide, and how the pain and lust I felt was like being washed over and pulled in by the tide.