
The 2013 Imposition Tour: Part Two

Post Author: , Nate Dorr + Sang Nguyen

Impose Magazine traveled as a group around the United States for The 2013 Imposition Tour. We departed Brooklyn, NY on Wednesday, March 6 and drove to Buffalo, Chicago, Memphis, New Orleans and Austin, for South by Southwest. Two members of the Impose team, Nate Dorr and Sang Nguyen, share their images of what it was like to be on the road for two weeks. In this set, we cover Memphis to their arrival in Austin for the Austin Imposition.

Kerri O'Malley, one of our writers, was one of the lucky few who attended the Imposition Tour and has written about the experience. Her words about the tour stops in Buffalo can be found here, Chicago here, Memphis here and New Orleans is available here.

Part one of the tour diary can be found here.

Memphis –> New Orleans –> Austin