
Ancient Sky, “Master Cleanse”

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Ancient Sky

Last year's T.R.I.P.S. LP by Ancient Sky was willing to step aside from the traditional for the sake of rattling the pleasantries of a trip completely from the system. The title track bled out in cacophony. But it was merely the set up for “All Colors At Once”, which offered no mercy in a blistering shred of peaking guitars, that intolerable rise that won't let go until you've sworn that this is the end – the end, my friend.

For the Brooklyn psych-rock band, T.R.I.P.S. was last year and the past is gone. The All Get Out LP, though bearing a name that suggests the fried anxiety will only get worse, is strict in structure. If “All Colors At Once” was the end, “Master Cleanse” exists in post-apocalyptic stress, though not in a sci-fi scope, but how Cormac McCarthy envisions it – ash and desolation. There's a dead seriousness to much of All Get Out and “Master Cleanse” is representative of Ancient Sky's aversion to the insipid and druggy.

Ancient Sky's All Get Out is out November 12 on Wharf Cat.