
Brasil, “Dr. Zero”

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Tune into the catchiest concept power rock ballad about vicious vampirical office dwelling lords from the East Bay. Oakland's Brasil premieres “Dr. Zero” that brings a story song about a world unraveling, corporate-company blood and spirit sucker that we are told is part of a larger, 4-song suite. Frontman Jasper Patrick Leach, with cohorts by P.W. Korte, Tommy Forgotten, and Mike V. bring the big conceptual song framework ripped out of the fictionalized galactic wars for a new kind of battlefield earth that has nothing to do with Scientology or John Travolta in dreadlocks.

Primordial drums are heard in the beginning before the guitar chords fall all around you. Prepare for the ballad of the ruling classes that breeds their legions of yippie, hors d'oeuvres consuming hoards who wave about their fancy, specialized doctorates of nothing of pertinence. “Dr. Zero, vulcan hero, is bringing power to the sphere, in the ions of the scions.” From the modern space age narrative, Brasil paints the Bay Area 580, 880 freeway rush hour nightmare scenario clogged with the half-caf-hybrid-car-driving CEOs and their assistances of false prosperities. “False echelons and battalions like little kids getting into the valium.”

While the souls of earth get sucked from the skyscraper office despot, Brasil examines the options of survival. “First they fail us, then they tell us, our collective death is our rebirth.” No matter how grim a fate the world faces in this song, the group rides out the ultraviolet ringing of riffs that turns Tiny Telephone into Ardent Recording Studios. “If you're in queue, he'll preserve you, while the rest of the world is in decay.” For those lucky to have scheduled an appointment; those waiting in line to see the demented mythical doctor stand a chance while the world crumbles all around like mass produced retail coffee crumb cake. With the fiction and weird sciences aside, Brasil reminds us that world domination and syphilitic stewardship happens between hall trips to the water cooler.

Jasper Patrick Leach talked with us on the band's humble basement-based origins, who “Dr. Zero” really is, and the sci-fi-power-chord pop connections in detail.

How did Brasil form about in the East Bay?

Chance meetings and band-cest. It was supposed to be a two-day basement recording project, but we found ourselves, somewhat unconsciously, becoming a real band. Also it's fun as hell. Why fight it?

Being from Oakland, what brought about the moniker Brasil?

Well, “Brazil” with a Z was taken, so . . .

How do you turn power pop based into sci-fi adventures in “Dr. Zero”?

It's really more the other way around. I wanted to write a sci-fi epic, this song is the first of a four-part suite, and power pop is, was, the most natural musical language we could choose to complement that. It's all about picking the shortest distance between two points, and you don't want to force it.

Who is “Dr. Zero” really?

Dr. Zero is the personification of the power elite living in the underground cities. He's the Reptilians. He's “The Man.” He's the invisible enemy lurking behind the veil of reality, but not without charm.

What's the connection between power chords and vulcans?

Hard to answer this one since I'm still trying to figure out the connection between power chords and loose sex, power chords and fast cars, etc. Why is a raven like a writing desk? The only answer is Rock, an extension of the folk tradition. It provides the syntax, makes things right: Nothing is true, all is permitted.

What's next for Brasil?

Get this record to the masses, tour it, rinse, repeat. We're already halfway through writing the next record.

Releases in the works?

We're putting out our self-titled debut album in September, recorded and mixed in 3 and a half days at Tiny Telephone with Jay Pellicci.

Favorite overlooked Oakland groups/artists?

Tyler Wagner, Saything, Catharsis for Cathedral (CIVC), Pure Bliss, Everyone is Dirty, Band Practice, Frozen Folk, B. Hamilton, Naked Lights, Ca$h Pony, Coldtergeist. Yeah, rock's not dead, it's just enjoying a long weekend in Oakland.

Brasil's self-titled LP will be available in September.