Rollicking, expansive and somewhat theatrical, Brooklyn group Caretaker‘s debut single, “Swallow,” is the antidote against staid rock. Featuring the talents of Erin Pellnat (lead vox), Eva Lawitts (bass), Alex Pulakos (guitar), Damian Sim (keyboard) and Chris Krasnow (drums), the band’s lead release bristles with a unique electricity and charm with a cathartic theme.
“‘Swallow’ is a song about being trapped in a relationship (or any situation, really) where someone is successful in convincing you that you are constantly wrong,” explains Pellnat. “This gets to the point where you believe everything they say, gladly taking punishment and abuse from them and wrongfully accepting that you deserve it. You know that you would feel completely contented and sane if you just cut ties so that their influence can disappear and you can set yourself free.”
Follow Caretaker here for more and catch them on August 19th at Arlene’s Grocery in NYC.