
Chandos, “..Pretty Sure it’s ‘Tang Top'”

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Chandos hail from Boston’s local house show scene, where they’ve honed a fast, aggressive sound over the past few years as Chandeliers and playing among the likes of Speedy Ortiz, Grass is Green, and Guerilla Toss. After two cassette EP releases, the trio is set to release their first full-length early next year, and it promises a clean continuation of their quick-paced post-punk sound.

If you’re unsure as to what the story behind the title “..Pretty Sure it’s ‘Tang Top'” is, that won’t matter the instant you hit play. The band describes their genre as “FAST”, and that it certainly is. The first single off the LP is all of two minutes long, and in that time it rolls through several tempos and textures. It opens on a bright, noodly riff over a fuzzier layer of guitars and in a matter of seconds crashes into a big wall of distortion and crashing drums. Singer and guitarist Dan Coulson’s voice is clear and exasperated as he half sings and half shouts, “Don’t you know that you split this town in two / don’t you know that you can always tell the truth?” The song breaks down midway for a protracted metallic hook, but the pace is back up again in a matter of seconds.

Chandos’ debut full-length Rats In Your Bed will be out January 27 on Carpark Records.