
Fascinations Grand Chorus, “Up To You”

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The Brooklyn duo Fascinations Grand Chorus are back with their second EP entitled Actor/Actress and Impose has your first listen to “Up To You” off the album. Recorded and mixed all in analog, Actor/Actress completely eschews digital production to great effect as it gives “Up To You” an authentic vintage sound. It must be said that while “Up To You” is a retro wonder of a track, it is also the coalescence of many eras and genres of popular music into a single work. With the pristine pop of “Up To You”, Stephanie and Andrew of Fascinations Grand Chorus have reinterpreted their influences through a modern prism to create a track that is both cutting edge and classic all at once.

“Up To You” opens with a burst of crunchy pop sunshine as flanged out, fuzzy guitars sparkle over the tune’s percussive bounce while a haze of technicolor harmonies flood the track. As Stephanie’s golden vocals intone their warm melody’s rise and fall throughout the track, Andrew mixes up the percussion to match, especially on the tune’s surf rock instrumental breakdown. There is a grand sense of yesteryear throughout the track, from its hints of psychedelia or luxe layers of analog production, and Fascinations Grand Chorus deftly navigate a variety of sounds and tones to create a uniquely fresh work that will resonate with listeners wherever they may reside on the timeline.

Actor/Actress is available for pre-order now and will be released November 18 on Silent Stereo Records. You can follow Fascinations Grand Chorus on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SoundCloud, and Bandcamp.