
Girlpool, “Alone At the Show”

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Following an excellent debut EP and a split tape with Slutever, Girlpool have released another new song today, “Alone At the Show.” Finally! The world needs more Girlpool songs, and this one proves that going to a show alone may not be the worst thing in the world. Who knows? Maybe next time you want to go to a Girlpool show but have nobody to go with, you’ll meet that special someone.

“Alone At the Show” will be released on THE LE SIGH Vol. II, along with all news tracks by Slutever, All Dogs, Parasol, Fleabite, Jawbreaker Reunion, Free Cake for Every Creature, Littler, Gurr, Alice, Boy Spit, Marge, Florist, Cyberbully Mom Club, Cynthia Ann Schemmer, Couples Counseling, Harmony Tividad, Adult Mom, Zone Out, Manors, and SALES. For more information about the compilation cassette, check out their launch party announcement.

Stream “Alone At the Show” below:

Read our interview with Girlpool here.