
Growl, "Won't You"

Post Author: Michael Brummett

Growl is a group of Austin, TX, friends who serendipitously happened upon each other in some dorms.

The group hit off so well, that other side projects, life changes weren’t able to derail the pieces that have come together to create their debut album — Won’t You. As a 9-track release, and as the band puts it:

“These songs hit home. We’ve all been there there, or for some, we’re living through it.”

“Won’t You” moves off the line at an incredible pace before hitting its stride. Leveraging a steady output of noisy backdrops, the guitar work and melody found within singer Santiago Dietche’s vocals command a huge mindshare.  Nothing else can be heard or thought of in the course of immersing yourself in the track. Even with their frantic pace, the song doesn’t seem as short as it may be — leaving plenty of time for another listen.
You can find Growl on both their Facebook and Bandcamp pages.