
Human Behavior, “He Has Sent Me Here To Fk My Brokenheartedness”

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Arizona-based Human Behavior has done something that most people wouldn’t have the heart or the strength to do, quite honestly. Led by songwriter Andres Parada, they are about to release the third part in a trilogy of albums that explore death and grieving in the digital era. What is most striking about this album – titled Kedumim – is that it is a long narrative detailing Parada’s personal accounts of attempted suicide. As uncomfortable as it may be it’s a very brave step forward for Human Behavior to allow the public into a mind that has struggled with thoughts and situations that would lead to such a dire result.

We’ve got the premiere of the latest track to share with you today. Open your mind to the lyrics and the instrumentals, as they’ll transport you into an interesting – and at times distressing – reality.

With a title like “He Has Sent Me Here To Fuck My Brokenheartedness”, we weren’t quite sure what we were getting into. What it turns out to be is a layered, multi-instrumental wonder that – were it not for the haunting, other worldly vocals over the track – sounds as if it could be included in a modern production of Fiddler On The Roof. What is has been admitted to be is layers of familiar Christian hymns, which highlights the question of suicide in relation to religion at its core. If you listen to the lyrics, you can feel Parada’s cries for help as he relays another chapter in his struggle with suicidal thoughts. It’s a folk spin on a still (unnecessarily) taboo subject.

Kedumim is out September 30th on vinyl through Folktale Records, and CD through both Folktale Records Related Records. It is available for preorder now