
Jeremy Jay, “Covered In Ivy”

jeremy jay

In listening to Jeremy Jay's “Covered In Ivy”, it's no surprise to hear that this was a song put to tape in Paris, the city of expressive nostalgia and glorified melancholy. From its first snare hit and through until its wobbly, round bass line enters, this is a song for the vivid, deeply hurt dreamers, the ones who haven't given up just yet but give melodrama and fallow-skinned lonesomeness its full precedence over everything else. It's moody and dark, but it's also hopeful—nothing can restrain the arena-ready synth, even when its pulsing along underneath bedroom ennui and insular mastercraft. The two elements—heightened, over-the-top glamour and reclusive, perfectly sad lyrics and glimmer—make for a rich, forgiving song. “Covered In Ivy” is representative of that in so many ways: a historical brick building that nature has let fall to waste.

“Covered In Ivy” comes from a K Records 7-inch released today that precursors Jeremy Jay's next full-length record, Abandoned Apartments. You can pick up the A/B single at this link, then check back with K Records on November 12 for the complete full-length record.