
Jincallo, “Some Kind Of Way”

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For a location with an infinite supply of sunlight to warm the hangouts overrun with gorgeous people, Los Angeles continues to produce an equally infinite supply of bedroom shut-in producers against the odds. In four years Jincallo has self-released 10 EPs and three full lengths on his Bandcamp. It's an overwhelming amount of material, most of which can be classified as down tempo or astro-ethereal in sound. With titles like Lone EP and Voidless EP, it can be assumed Jincallo wasn't getting out much in the past, denying himself that vitamin D from the sunlight which might have uplifted his disposition. On his debut with Alpha Pup, he's out to alter the expectations of a Jincallo production, but in doing so he's politely asking, 'do you mind?'

Previous single and album opener “Turn of the Key” is Jincallo unlocking a new direction in his music, or perhaps locking his apartment door behind him to finally venture outside his reclusive world. Do You Mind is a record that breathes life, literally on “Turn of the Key” and as a thematic presence as the production travels to exotic distances and shimmers with daylight rays—intentions Jincallo discusses in our interview below. On “Some Kind Of Way” a Spanish guitar is strummed in a backyard, perhaps in a hammock and the player's hat is tipped down over his eyes. Jincallo manipulates the samples but retains the relaxing quality that comes to mind. “Some Kind Of Way” could still be considered down tempo, but down tempo as in tranquil from the steady heart palpitations of a mind that's arcing towards inner peace.

The album title, Do You Mind, suggests an imposing on your part, but the music within is largely down tempo and soothing to the ears. What factors led to the titling of the record?

The things that led to the titling of the record were this; I basically wanted to address the few that have been following the music thus far about changing up the style and incorporating new sounds. When making it I wasn't too sure about the direction but it grew on me more as time went on building it.

What were some of the stigmas following the music that you wanted to alter?

I'd have to say that one would had to have been if the new batch of music was up to par. With each release I try to refine and change up the sounds, so I wondered if any of the tracks sounded like previous work, what was the message I was trying to convey in particular and things like that. Own worst critic for sure.

In crafting the record, it feels as though you arranged it so that it has movement and a journey is experienced to an extent. Is this correct and can you tell me about your decisions in the tracklisting?

Most definitely I arranged this album to match what I was feeling at the time. I'd like to think of each track as a separate journey, and it's based on more things that influenced me, new things such as the friends I've made, where I made certain tracks, my surroundings and things like that. For example the track “Tafari” was a little dedication to my Jamaican background, and “The V” was based around my experiences from the parties, situations, and people I've met out here in the San Fernando Valley.

How about “Some Kind Of Way”? What was the inspiration for that particular track?

“Some Kind Of Way” was actually one of the last tracks I made for the record, it was down to this one and another joint I had which I decided to cut. As for the inspiration I remember going through a small pile of records I had bought a few days before and light was shining through my room that day which is a rarity. At the time I think that combined with the reminiscing I was most likely doing played a big part in shaping the track as well.

How do you feel about tags of “exoticism” or “tropicalia” attached to your music? Are they terms you're comfortable with and perhaps strive to create or do you have an alternative outlook on the presentation?

Honestly, exoticism and tropicalia are brand terms new to me. I've usually been told my music up until this point has been very brooding, spacey, with the bright moments thrown in. I don't really have a problem with it, I just know with this record I wanted it to sound “brighter” than previous work. I just hope that wherever the music goes from here I can explore these realms a little more. Also it can't hurt to have some range too.

Jincallo's Do You Mind is out May 13 on Alpha Pup.