
Kohli Calhoun, “Take Me Away”

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“Take Me Away” comes from Brooklyn pop artist Kohli Calhoun, who has faced continual challenges in the past 8 years. Having parted with her producer in the wake of recording her debut album in 2008, Calhoun entered what’s been described as “a personal dark age.”

Rediscovery of her artistic self was an emergence brought forth by a Brooklyn songwriting community, that ultimately led to a push back towards making amends. “Take Me Away” is deeply poetic, and represents Kohli’s true rise from the ashes.

As a beacon for anyone with personal struggles, “Take Me Away” and its room-filling choral vocals are an illustration of her emotions. Kohli will celebrate the release of “Take Me Away” on December 11th, at The Footlight in Queens.

She can also be found on Facebook or Twitter.