
Nomadic Firs, “Cover Bombs”

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Nomadic Firs

Nomadic Firs' “Cover Bombs” seeks bliss and enlightenment in the face of a nuclear fallout. It's as though Ryan Boos, the mastermind behind Nomadic Firs, wrote the song in a hammock from the island adjacent to the one used for nuclear arms tests. The explosive spectrum was intoxicating for a few harmonious moments and it left this song in his head as the aftershock blew through.

None of this happened though, since Boos lives safely on an urban farm in Knoxville with his wife and some chickens that have been given names. But there is a hint of protest in “Cover Bombs” that never fully imposes on the soothing tropical folk textures. “Cover Bombs,” in all its acoustic tenderness and soft bongo instrumentation, maintains an air of alert as Boos vocals are never entirely attached to the song. He's either singing into a walkie talkie, transmitting from a bunker, or airy and celestial.

Nomadic Firs, “Cover Bombs”

The Nomadic Firs cassette is out May 8 on Crash Symbols.