
Nomadic Firs remixed 25 times

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Following the successs of their self-titled full length, Nomadic Firs have put together a collection of remixes featuring 25 tracks. This is one of the most diverse remix albums I have ever heard–almost every sound you can imagine can be found in at least one song. Mountain Range starts off the record right, with a crazy ambient dance remix of “Get The Map” that might bring you to a spiritual place reminiscent of the fiirst time you did yoga at the Body Actualized Center. Tours contibutes a slow, spooky remix of “In The Morning” which (along with D33J's new Impose Mix) I will definitely listen to in the dark after the hurricane fucks up my power. Odesza adds a dreamy, vocal chop remix of “Cover Bombs” to the mix–the perfect sound to ease your seasonal affective disorder as the days start getting colder and shorter.

You can download the entire remix album for free, and listen to the group's May full length on Bandcamp.