
Puff Pieces, “Women and Men w/ Guns”

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Puff Pieces

D.C. is a strange, specific town. I grew up there, in and around the city—it is a city of transplants, a city of motion, a city of lobbyists and diplomats and genuinely absurd amounts of money as well as a city of poor families, mostly black families, being forced into smaller and smaller areas as those transplants and the condos built to suit all the young interns push those families further and further away. It was Chocolate City and it is go-go and “Meese Is A Pig” and Dischord and Ft. Reno and Sister Polygon—it is always changing, but the history is never far away.

Puff Pieces are all old D.C. heads; Amanda Huron (Weed Tree/Vertebrates/Caution Curves), Mike Andre (Vertebrates/Antelope), and Justin Moyer (Antelope/El Guapo/E.D. Sedgwick). Their music is jittery, pointy, and nervous: songs as in love with D.C. punk history as they are frustrated with the city’s current gentrified face. Though I left D.C. a decade ago, it’ll always be the place I get homesick for, and I’m incredibly thankful that these guys stuck around to keep agitating.

Bland in D.C. will be available March 25 via Lovitt Records. Listen to “Women and Men w/ Guns” below: