
Stream Ronnie Stone & the Lonely Riders’ Motorcycle Yearbook

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Over the past few months, several Brooklyn venues have been visited by a Dark Lord, a Daddy so daring that he has descended into the world of Evil and returned, keytar in hand. For those lucky enough to have seen this legend live, Ronnie Stone has performed songs of unstoppable sexiness and synthesizers. Now, for those mortals who remain naive to the Lord’s funky boogie, Ronnie Stone & the Lonely Riders hath blessed us with a full album, Motorcycle Yearbook. Motorcycle Yearbook features already-released hymnals such as “<3 Race. Cold Sweat. Nu Dance. Do It”, “Live 2 Ride | Ride 2 Live”, and “Kiss the Daddy” along with seductive tracks like “Saturday Night [I Plan 2 Funk You]” and “Speed On!!” The anonymous band of leather-clad funksters is offering to take you on the ride of your life… So next time your feeling the need for speed or sin, check outRonnie Stone & the Lonely Riders. And as they say on “Ronnie’s Lullaby”, “Don’t u cry / Ronnie Stone is here 2 nite / When your man has gone away / Ronnie brings the moves baby.”

You can stream Motorcycle Yearbook below, it will be released on August 21 via Absolute Glamour Unlimited and can be pre-ordered on the band’s Bandcamp. We asked Ronnie a few questions about life with the Riders, ideal leather wardrobes, and backup dancers, which you can read below.

Can you tell me a bit about your members and backup dancers?

They’re a motley crew of sinners and saints. Like you and I, they are people with secrets and demons, beautiful or grotesque. Some of us are ex-lovers. Some of us are Satanists. Some of us live for the pleasures of pain.

How did you meet your manager Giorgio Rutmonikov?

It’s a long story, but Giorgio is like a stepfather to me. He’s saved me from very dark places in my life. I owe my career to him – he founded El Commando, and nurtured the conception of The Lonely Riders until we began our residency there.

Your shows intend to bring audiences to a place called El Commando—what can you tell us about this place?

El Commando is different than other venues because it’s constantly changing. There’s always a thrill when your senses are caught off guard. The atmosphere lets you leave behind your old ways to find a different type of faith in yourself. Losing yourself to dance in El Commando is like a vacation free from the ego trip of life.

You said in an interview that “the music would not exist without the aesthetic, and vice versa.” So for listeners who may never get to experience Ronnie Stone live, what is the best way for them to listen to your album?

Before listening to the album, you should ensure that your body is fully optimized for the audio-sensory experience. You should avoid eating and sleeping for several days. You should empty your mind of all preconceived notions of space and time. You should be alone. You should turn off the lights and close your eyes. You should take several deep breaths. You should release the tension in your extremities. Focus. Listen…

Your last show was themed “Ronnie Stone: The Confession”, do you have any confessions?

Ronnie confesses nothing…

What is the ideal outfit to wear to a Ronnie Stone Experience?

Leather and lace, or shackles and studs; corsets and chaps, or fishnets and fringe; blood red and black, or crimson and camouflage; piercings and pins, or denim and darkness…