
Solids, “Traces”


Fans of the sound of their own heart beating need to stop what they're doing and listen the fuck up. Solids, a Montreal export who have one EP under their belts and a forthcoming record out on October 8, are doing everything you've been waiting to hear when it comes to that half-lo-fi/grunge-rock energy that pounds your breath right out of your chest. The first track from Blame Confusion, a scuzzy, simple, but direct fistpumper, does a few things we immediately fell in love with: 1) it got right to business; 2) it pounded away at the dirt with no care for who it would get dirty; and 3) the power-yelled vocals went a little off the standard scale, following in the footsteps of No Age and The Stryder and Japandroids. I know bro-rock gets a bad rap, but this is the ultimate in getting your anger up, and I can only imagine what it sounds like live.

Stream “Traces” below, then go to this link to preorder the debut LP, Blame Confusion. The band is only touring right now in Canada, but maybe if we collectively will them to come our way, they'll travel south to America. One can dream.

29 – FME, Rouyn-Noranda $
31 – J-Festival, St-Jérôme #
13 – Moulinet, Terrebonne
08 – Sala Rossa, Montréal
24 – Cha Cha, Sainte-Thérèse w/ US Girls
25 – Halifax Pop Explosion, Halifax +
01 – Albion, Joliette ^
02 – Cercle, Québec
07 – Café du Clocher, Alma
08 – Sous Bois, Chicoutimi
15 – Mugshots, Ottawa
16 – Zaricot, Saint-Hyacinthe
30 – Cabaret de la Dernière Chance, Rouyn-Noranda
06 – Egzagt, Trois-Rivières
07 – Brasseurs Dunham, Dunham

$ – w/ Blonde Redhead, Besnard Lakes, Suuns
# – w/ Radio Radio, We Are Wolves
+ – w/ Metz
^ – w/ Duchess Says